Saturday, February 4, 2023

 Sitemap # 4 – A snapshot of  the contents of the Blog- Part 4 - 

You will find  synopses of the contents in this blog site in these posts to give you an idea, what this Blog is all about. 
Sitemap # 1 has synopses of   Post # 1 to Post # 25.  Sitemap # 2 has synopses of   Post # 26 to Post # 47. Sitemap # 3 had synopses of the contents of this Blog from Post # 48 to  Post # 68. 

This post contains the synopses of the contents of   Post # 69 to Post # 81.  

To access a selected topic Click on the relevant title/Post Title or  number. 

Post # 69– Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- Part 1

This Post has a synopsis of the backdrop needed to engage in an insight meditation practice for translating the Intellectual Understanding of the True Nature of all Phenomena gained from learning the Dhamma, to an Inferential Knowledge.  For this purpose this Post and those that follow will have a collection of the relevant Dhamma points that have to be reflected upon, analyzed and consolidated as the applicable  intellectual knowledge base. These are expected to provide you with the tools to consolidate that knowledge eventually as an Experiential Wisdom through a deeper meditative practice to develop this world transcending wisdom. We who were at the shallow end of the Dhamma Ocean are now trying to explore the deep end .

Post # 70 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- Part 2

This Post contains a synopsis  of the 
teaching on dependent co-arising as outlined in the Sutta Pittaca of the Pali Canon and the explanation on dependent co-arising teaching, based on what is given in the Abbidhamma commentaries/texts, for building up the backdrop needed to translate the applicable  intellectual knowledge base to an Inferential Knowledge. 

Post # 71 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- Part 3

This post contains a discussion on how the development of the factors in the Noble Eightfold Path complementing each other gives us an ability to comprehend fully the true nature of our present moment experiences culminating in developing Samma Sathi, and how we may control bhava forming sankaras  to limit the future samsaric journey. It also has references to developing the skills to practice systematic reflection (yoniso manasikāra) through right mindfulness.

Post # 72 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- Part 4

This post has references to understanding the true nature of the self or living being and the phenomena of the outside world. Also a brief discussion on the nature of  finite phenomena  and  infinite phenomena.  There is also a reference to Nibbana  as the  most important and relevant in infinite phenomena  with an outline  showing that attaining Nibbana by following the Path described by the Buddha, becomes our only option for salvation.  

Post # 73 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- Part 5

This post has references to understanding how dhamma describes the true nature of the  living being as a five aggregates of clinging with an outline on how the  five aggregates, are always in a state of flux or change (annitta), a state that is non self (annata) and a state that is unsatisfactory or Dukka, described as thrilakshana or the universal characteristics-  as their true nature, and that this is the most fundamental of Buddha’s teaching and has to be fully understood and realized.

Post # 74 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to NibbanaA guided meditation Practice – Part 1

This Post  discusses  a simple guided insight meditation practice that can translate the Suthamaya Panna (intellectual understanding) established in the Post #s 69 to 73,  to consolidate them as an inferential knowledge (Chinthamaya Panna). For this purpose some simple and self-contained steps  as a guided meditation exercise based on an insight meditation practice is described. 

Post # 75 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- A guided meditation Practice - Part 2

This Post contains the continuation of the Step by Step meditation practice containing Steps 6 and 7 where the contemplation leads to understanding right view under six aspects directed at Nibbana with reference to seeing Kamma and their retribution in relation to Nibbana, developing a concentrated mind for realizing Nibbanaseeing Nibbana through insight knowledge, deeper understanding about the four noble truths with Nibbana as the focus, deeper understanding about the steps in the path to Nibbana), deeper understanding about the fruition in the path to  Nibbana) and that ignorance can be overcome by realizing the Four Noble Truths through right view.

Post # 76 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- A guided meditation Practice - Part 3

This Post contains the continuation of the Step by Step meditation practice containing Steps 8 to 14 where the contemplation leads to understanding right mindfulness’which helps to develop insight knowledge by understanding the true nature of experience as it unfolds from moment to moment in the present  Having mindfulness of body, feelings, states of mind and dhammas how we develop the skills required to be aware, be mindful and have clear comprehension  of the present moment life experiences samma sati, and how we condition our rebirth in Samsara  and attaining Nibbana by following the Path as our only way for  salvation.

Post # 77 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana- A guided meditation Practice - Part 4

This post contains the continuation of the Step by Step meditation practice containing Steps 15 to 21 where the contemplation leads to our understanding of the form aggregate of this name-form aggregation and  a re-linking consciousness that has left its previous abode at the end of that life, charged with its accumulations of all traits and tendencies, seeking an appropriate host  to nest to begin a new life. This re-linking consciousness manifests as the initial state of the name aggregate of the new ‘being’ that thus came into existence and how the new being  gets prompted to re-enact  the habits, and tendencies that were brought over from the previous lives, in this new life and  how there comes to be for the purpose the respective components of the mind and matter of form, feelings, perceptions, volitions and consciousness  as the new being. 

Post # 78 –Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana-

A guided meditation Practice - Part 5


This post has the  continuation of the Step by Step meditation practice containing the steps 22 to 25 where the contemplation leads to understanding that the present moment experience of  the form aggregate arises through body parts of solids, liquids, gases and heat formed from the basic  elements of  nature which  are merely currents of action  and  subsidiary currents of  action  manifesting as colour ,  smell , taste ,sound  and touch as  projective elements. When these  are  experienced by  the   form  aggregate  we become aware of them  and  recognition dawns in the  sense faculties of eyes,  nose, tongue,  ears and  body respectively in the form aggregate.

Post # 79 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana-

A guided meditation Practice - Part 6

This Post has the continuation of the Step by Step meditation practice  containing the steps 26 to 31, where the  contemplation leads to understanding the  functions of sense faculty consciousness and the arising of  feelings , awareness and thoughts culminating  in the creation of the mind faculty consciousness leading to the creation of the re-linking consciousness and the arising of the  five aggregates  and also a ‘Sakkaya Ditti’, and the living being accordingly manifesting as the five aggregates of clinging (Pancha Upadana  Skanda

Post # 80 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana-

A guided meditation Practice - Part 7

This Post has the continuation of the Step by Step meditation practice  containing steps 32 to 38 where the  contemplation leads to the realization of the thrilakshana of the five aggregates of clinging, and the hitherto held wrong views  - the Sakkaya Ditti -  gradually fading  and the  realization  that  the living experience then  happens only in the five aggregates, devoid of clinging  which is the  the life experience of Buddhas, Paccheka Buddhas and Arahants.

Post # 81 – Developing World Transcending Wisdom in the Path to Nibbana-

A guided meditation Practice - Part 8

This is the last Post containing the descriptions of the Step by Step meditation practice containing the steps 39 to 42. The contemplation is on how noble beings gain progressively, the four path visions and the four fruition visions of the path to Nibbana and the elimination of the ten fetters that tie a ‘being’ down to the samsaric journey avoiding future re-becoming in the four unhappy realms and how the Arahant achieves kilasa pari-nibbana or so-padisesa nibbana datu, attaining Nibbana in this life itself as a living being and thereafter skanda pari-nibbana or anu-padisesa nibbana datu, the ultimate ending of the re-becoming process.   


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