Post # 34 – Developing ‘Right View’ by the Lay Householder- Part 1
Post # 16 we discussed the Noble Eightfold Path which was described as the
direct path to liberation. We noted that being the direct path to liberation we
should strive to develop its factors as a real necessity/high priority. We saw that the path factors
were ‘ right view’;
‘right intention’; ‘right speech’; ‘right action’; ‘right livelihood’; ‘right effort’; ‘right mindfulness’ and ‘right concentration’.
We saw from a quote in
the web, the position of right view viz-a-viz the noble eightfold path as follows
- “Right view (Samma Ditthi)
is the forerunner of the entire path, the guide for all the other factors. It
enables us to understand our starting point, our destination, and the
successive landmarks to pass as the practice advances. To attempt to engage in
the practice without a foundation of right view is to risk getting lost in the
futility of undirected movement”
In Post # 19 we discussed, right view as
advocated by learned monks in Dhamma Desanas
(talks), where dasa wasthuka samma ditti
-the tenfold mundane right view and chathu sathya samma ditti, or supra-mundane
right view-( the Four Noble Truths) have been referred to. We also saw, references
made by Noble Sariputta on right view in the Sammaditthi Sutta. The right view is said to eradicate self-view or ego; attaining
permanent stability in morality; unshakeable confidence in the Noble Triple Gem
and the realization of Nibbana.
We also saw the explanation about right view that includes all of above, and as the
one which refers to seeing worldly phenomena in the way the noble ones (Buddhas,
Paccheka Buddhas, Arahants) see them. That is developing right view
relating to phenomena of the world with Nibbana
as the focus. This is the one that best suits our purpose.
Developing right view in this way requires contemplation on six
views about worldly phenomena. They are respectively kammassakata sammaditthi (way of seeing Kamma and its retribution in relation to
Nibbana); Diyana Samma Ditthi (way of developing a concentrated mind
for realizing Nibbana); Vidharshana Samma Ditthi (view relating to real nature of phenomena of the world with Nibbana as the focus through insight knowledge); Chatu Sathya Samma Ditthi (deeper understanding about the four
noble truths with Nibbana as the
focus); Marga Samma Ditthi (deeper understanding about the
steps in the path to enlightenment/Nibbana); Pala Samma Ditthi (deeper understanding about the
fruition in the path to enlightenment/ Nibbana).
To develop right view on these lines we have to first accumulate
knowledge about these six aspects from our traditional methods such as by
listening to dhamma and reading about dhamma etc. and by maintaining a record
of relevant facts related to these six aspects as they come to our attention.
Thus we build up the range of facts that we have to contemplate on regularly to
develop right view.
As an example I would now
like to list out some content on each of these aspects and how they can be used in
this contemplation. The following listing is by no means typical or sufficient
as content for this practice. But they are given only to establish the method
as I understand them. What you must create for yourself through the above means
will be the best and the most rewarding method to achieve the objective.
I must hasten to add here that the practices that will be described below gives you an appropriate foundation to establish Right View. This will enable you to practice and advance in developing the respective factors further by acquiring the relevant Dhamma knowledge and engage in the practice further to advance this knowledge progressively to required levels. Thus what is described here should therefore be treated only as a spring board to developing Right View further.
What I
like to share with you on this is as follows:
Kammassakata Sammaditthi
This contemplation on way of seeing Kamma and their retribution in relation to Nibbana may go like this:
All acts committed by us with will/volition, understanding and mindfulness are accumulated as Kamma. This accumulation is done by way of thought, word and deed. The ethical quality of the volition segregates them as wholesome or unwholesome Kamma. These Kamma shapes our re-becoming. This re-becoming determines our samsaric (cycle of re-birth) process. By right understanding and engaging in right actions to attain the four paths and their fruition, we can limit the accumulation of new Kamma and mitigate the effects of existing Kamma thus shortening the samsaric process. This is Kammassakata Sammaditthi in a nutshell. But to put it into practice we need a more elaborate description.
This contemplation on way of seeing Kamma and their retribution in relation to Nibbana may go like this:
All acts committed by us with will/volition, understanding and mindfulness are accumulated as Kamma. This accumulation is done by way of thought, word and deed. The ethical quality of the volition segregates them as wholesome or unwholesome Kamma. These Kamma shapes our re-becoming. This re-becoming determines our samsaric (cycle of re-birth) process. By right understanding and engaging in right actions to attain the four paths and their fruition, we can limit the accumulation of new Kamma and mitigate the effects of existing Kamma thus shortening the samsaric process. This is Kammassakata Sammaditthi in a nutshell. But to put it into practice we need a more elaborate description.
In a Dhamma Desana a monk said that for ease of explanation he will use
two ways of referring to Kamma in
relation to their ethical quality. These two ways are white Kamma which gives favourable or happy
results and black Kamma, which gives
unfavorable or unhappy results. There is reference to this classification in a talk given by the Buddha where he has segregated white kamma that lead to good results, black kamma leading to bad results, kamma that can be described as having both white and black qualities giving rise to mixed results like what we experience in our present life and those kamma which are neither white nor black which do not create the bhawa that conditions our samsaric journey. Therefore this method is convenient to use when discussing Kamma.
For understanding Kammassakata Sammaditthi for our purpose, Kamma are divided into two
groups. The first group is Janaka Kamma. They
are the Kamma that determine our
re-becoming/ rebirth. The second group is called Pervurthi Kamma. They arise and give
effect in the life that follows such rebirth. At this level of classification there are also
Kammas referred to as Upa-Thambaka Kamma, those that can make
dormant Kammas to come alive or wake
up; Upa-Piditha Kamma those that
reduces or thins out the effects of existing Kamma; and Upa-Gathaka Kamma,
those that suppress or kill the existing Kamma yet to arise and give effect.
In Janaka Kamma there is a
category known as Garuka Kamma. They
are significant in that their effects (Kamma Vipaka) cannot be mitigated or
destroyed by any means. In other words their effects have to be borne at all
costs. A white Garuka Kamma is accumulated when one attains a state of Jhana through meditation. A
practitioner, who has attained a Jhana
and passes away while the mind is in that condition, will have this white Kamma dominating all others in
determining the rebirth. They will be born in a happy realm/abode with form or
without form, irrespective of what other Janaka
Kamma is in accumulation in the
mind. Similarly one who has committed
a black Garuka Kamma such as having
caused harm to or the death of a parent or the same to an Arahant
or committed an act of injuring a Buddha or causing disharmony among Sanga will
be born in the hell realms despite all other good Kamma they have accumulated. This is the nature of Garuka Kamma. Thus in terms of this
teaching the fact that you now have a human birth, means that for certain, you
have not committed any black or white Garuka
Kamma in the last life conditioning
your present birth. In addition unless
you have committed such black Kamma
since your birth in this life, you are now well positioned to avoid an
inevitable birth in the hell realms due to a Garuka Kamma.
Next in sequence to arise
to determine the rebirth realm is a Kamma
known as assanna (proximate) Kamma that prevail at the time of
death. The ethical quality of such
proximate kamma determines where your
rebirth will be. The proximate Kamma
is conditioned by the day to day habitual traits and practices that you live by
in this life as well as those in previous lives. If you want the Pali name for
these habitual Kamma, they are called
Archinthana Kamma. Another Kamma that can mature and manifest as a proximate Kamma is known as a Kattatha Kamma, a special kamma that is done with more preparation and awareness, occasionally.
Thus this knowledge
enables you to engage in such new right Kamma
to be on course, including the right Upa-Thambaka Kamma, Upa-Piditha
Kamma; and Upa-Gathaka Kamma to
deal appropriately with the existing
Kamma, to avoid birth in unhappy realms.
The other regime of Kamma that has to be reviewed is Pervurthi Kamma. We mentioned that they arise and give effect in the life
that follows each rebirth. There are three types of Kamma in this category. They are Ditta Dhamma Vedaneeya Kamma, those that give effect in the same
life as they were committed, and Upapaditha
Vedaneeya Kamma, the Kamma that
have been carried over from last birth to give effect in this life and Aparapariya Vedaneeya Kamma, the Kamma that is being carried over even from many previous lives. In
addition there is a category of Kamma
in this group called the Ahosi Kamma.
These are kamma that were due to give
effect in this life, but were prevented from fructifying due to other
counteracting dominant Kamma. That is when a Pervurthi Kamma that was due to give effect in this life is prevented
from happening, then such Kamma are
extinguished or neutralized never to arise again.
Aside of all this there
is also a category of Kamma which can
be identified as neither white nor black. They are Kamma that do not create Bhawa (rebecoming). They develop the path factors and steps in the
path to enlightenment. They do not proliferate the Samsaric
journey. It is good to acquire some knowledge about them.
This outline tells us
that our samsaric journey up to now and
the nature of our present life and its endowments are the results or a bundle
of effects happening together due to a bundle of Kamma that we have accumulated. In this bundle there are the Janaka Kammas and Pervurthy Kammas both white and black and also some Kamma that are neither white nor black.
This knowledge tells us not
be too anxious about the Kamma that
are in accumulation in our minds from the past and that we can do something
about them. Our choice is to continue adding white kamma to this bundle so that their effects will dominate our future life. We would also have the comfort level that these dominant white Kammas will manifest as the right Upa-Thambaka Kamma, Upa-Piditha
Kamma; and Upa-Gathaka Kamma to
deal appropriately with the existing
Kamma, and avoid a birth in unhappy realms. Further by adding these dominant white Kammas to this bundle we can also trigger the Kammas
that are neither white nor black in this bundle to arise in abundance enabling us to escape from Samsara.
Hope this gives you a fair idea of Kammassakata Sammaditthi, to start the practice
of developing right view.
Await the coming Posts for
elaborations on the other aspects of Right View.
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