Friday, May 12, 2017

Post # 31-Updating the Dhamma Blog.

Are you  visiting this Blog for the first time? It would be good if you could check out the archives and start from the 1st Post to know about this Blog, and thereafter read the posts in sequence and give your comments for updating and refining the contents in this Blog.You may also use the site maps 1 to 4 to select a paticular topic for review when not viewing the posts in sequence.

Dear Dhamma Friend,
This visit of yours, along with the 27941 visits to the site by others as of 16th July 2024, signifies the growing interest in this site. The stats show that these visits have ranged from Canada to New Zealand.  So far this site was not linked to any search engine, therefore these visits are based on sharing of the link by word of mouth, from one friend to another which makes these numbers very significant. This therefore gives me encouragement to continue my research to update the contents to improve their qualitative usefulness. It also vindicates my objective of starting the Blog as a platform to share Dhamma knowledge with well meaning friends.

I am continually updating the contents in the Blog by reading and listening to Dhamma from recognized sources. It might be good if you could once in a way recheck the blog posts to see whether there are any new refinements in them that you might like to reflect on?.
One of the useful methods for this exercise for me is to get feedback from well meaning friends like you.

Could you therefore help by putting any comments you have in respect of any Post either as a clarification that is needed on what is already there or as an addition to the contents or as a  correction to the contents, so that I can research on the comments and leave some response there. To do this you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page where there is a provision for posting a comment. By clicking on this you will have the space to write something in. Your comments will also enable other visitors to benefit from them and share in the discussion. This way you will be participating in Dhamma Dana (the act of giving Dhamma Knowledge) which is a very meritorious act.

Your friend in Dhamma

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